Semi-automatic classification and cost calculator for women street names (“Las Calles de las Mujeres”) using OpenStreetMap, InstructGPT API, and Wikipedia API


Maria Brovelli (web, mail)

Referente del progetto

Angelly Pugliese (web, mail)

Area di ricerca

Web, multimedia e database

Keyword (max 3 separate da virgola)

Machine Learning, Gender Gap

Tecnologie da utilizzare

– Programming language: Javascript.
– Tools/APIs: OpenStreetMap API, InstructGPT, Wikipedia API.
– The development of this project is to be integrated with this project.

Descrizione (max 500 caratteri)

This project encompasses the creation of a working script/project that can generate a dataset of a city to be included in the platform “Las Calles de las Mujeres”.
This should be done using OSM, the InstructGPT API (OpenAI), and the Wikipedia API.
As the InstructGPT API has a cost, the core of the project is to use the free credits that OpenAI provides to create a functional script, and then create a calculator that tells the approximate cost of mapping a given city with the script.
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