Modelling Human Performance and Behavior in Complex Tasks

While effort has been invested in making robots more reliable, experience demonstrates that human-robots interaction (HRI) adaptation, due to unexpected events (such as failures, risk events, falls, etc.), is studied. The project analyzes human-robot interactions in situations where complex tasks occur, with unpredicted events (e.g., due to faults). Due to complexity, it is not possible to foresee all the behaviors, and all the results of the HRI. This requires an ad-hoc adaptation of the interaction, considering the human behavior.  The project requires to overview HRI designs that allows effective management of fault or unexpected events by (untrained) users. An implementations will test solutions on how humans perceive and resolve unexpected events, on how robot failures are communicated, how failures influence people’s perceptions and feelings toward robots, and how these effects can be mitigated.

Reference Tutors: Prof. MG FUGINI and Prof. S COMAI

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