GeoInformatics Project

The GeoInformatic Project includes activities thought to expose the students to projects emphasizing information technology skills. Despite it is included in the study plan as a normal course, the GeoInformatic Project does not have any class-hours. The project should be developed under the supervision of a professor, that in most cases is not the course responsible.

Available Projects and Selection Process

Within the website, there is a page including the full list of the available projects. For each project on the list, there is a wider set of information on the specific project and the contacts of the supervisor for the specific topic.

Once selected a specific project title, the student has to contact the responsible for the project to check that the project is still available and to go deeper into the project implementation requirements.

The list of projects will be updated during the entire academic year. However, it is also possible to discuss one-by-one with a professor a specific project even if not included in the public list.

It is mandatory to notify the course responsible about the project that has been selected and the name of the supervisor, once the pairing phase has been concluded. In addition to that, a very brief abstract with the expected achievements of the project has to be sent to the course responsible.

The project can be developed alone or in groups composed up to 3 students. It is in charge of the project responsible to define the number of students that is needed for its development.

Project Development and Evaluation

The project development and tools needed are under the responsibility of the project supervisor. In any case, the activity is tailored for a 5 credit course, which means around 125 hours per student involved in the project.

The project should always be done considering the related documentation. The requirements on the documentation are in charge of the project responsible. In addition to that, a 10 slide presentation has to be prepared for the final evaluation.

The project can be concluded at whatever moment during the academic year. However, the verbalization of the obtained grade can be done only during the specific exam dates assigned by the school. It is mandatory for the student to be registered for the exam to conclude the verbalization procedure.

The evaluation procedure requires that:

  1. The student sends the documentation to the professor responsible for the course asking to start the evaluation procedure;
  2. The project supervisor sends its evaluation to the course responsible;
  3. The student sends the project documentation to the course responsible;
  4. The course responsible asks the student for a short project discussion, starting from the short presentation prepared.

The course responsible for the Academic Year  2020/21 is Prof. Gianluca Palermo and the Academic Year  2021/22 is Prof. Mariagrazia Fugini.

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